Michigan Propane Grilling
Propane fuels grills, smokers, turkey fryers and more. Find great new recipes and check out the latest propane grilling trends.
Propane is easy to use, is readily available, has minimal carbon emissions, and is non-toxic to air and water.
Like any fuel, it’s important to respect its qualities when using.
Michigan Propane
Propane is non-toxic. It doesn’t contaiminate air, soil or groundwater (EPA). Thousands of Michigan homes and businesses run on propane.
Propane is a low-emissions, low-cost fuel used by a variety of public and private fleets. There’s over 33,000 propane vehicles running on Michigan roads.
The Michigan Propane Commission offers a propane water heater or boiler rebate to rural residents and licensed installers.
Propane is popular with food truck cooks and operators because it’s quick and efficient to create short-order masterpieces.
Propane is used in the cannabis industry by growers and processors to extract the oil and terpenes from plants. It doesn’t interfere with the plant’s qualities.